
Welcome to
Thames Amateur Radio Group

Happy New Year ! 

TARG has some exciting changes in 2025. Keep up and get on board for all the support, education and social fun you can pack into a wavelength. Get in touch to find out more.

Second meeting of the year: 7 Feb 8pm at our new Venue. (See Diary Page).

January Meeting.

New Year, new venue. Revisions to the Constitution approved so now right to up date. Followed by a presention on the traditional January non-radio subject, this year, Solar Observations from a do-it-yourself pin hole camera, to getting up close online. Reference made to the Solar exhibition in Greenwich (photo) and the Moon is coming to Basilon.


We were there!

Boxing Day is a bit of a tradition for TARG for an informal meeting down at Two Tree Island next to the River Thames. The salt water and electronically quiet environment make it ideal to extend HF contacts. Several European contacts were made on just 5W from the car boot in the car park. This is what Amateur Radio is all about – putting it into practice.

Below is a list past events showing just how effective TARG has been in 2024.

  • Dec. Interclub Social
  • Nov. AGM and Social
  • Oct. Inter-club meet up at TARG.
  • Sept. Digital Voice Multi-Mode Repeater AND Special event at North Weald
  • Aug. Foundation Training
  • Jul. Special Event Station at Slough Fort in Kent.
  • Jun. 2 TARG events. One at North Weald Airport and the other at Southend Airport
  • May. It was all about D-Star.
  • Apr. TARG and Acorns at Essex Wildlife Trust. Watch the Video.
  • Apr.  Low power protocol called LoRa.
  • Mar. Hot Spots
  • Feb. Canvey Rally and Pagers
  • Jan. A non-radio subject, Northumbrian Smallpipes.

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