FreeStar – the World Wide Net
Many Radio Amateurs will be familiar with a “Repeater” which extends the range of your VHF signal by receiving your input on one frequency (input) and then repeating it on another frequency (output). At TARG we use the Repeater GB3DA, located on high ground in Danbury with an output of 25W, for our regular Friday Night Nets. But other options to run a net are available….
A new wave of Amateur Radio uses a system of low power “hot spots” or “nodes” all connected by the internet. Provided you can get to the hot spot then, because they are connected by the internet, you can have a conversation with Radio Amateurs from all over the world. You will have heard of some of these modes like DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) and Echo Link. The limitation of some of these modes is that they only work with each other. So, for example, Fusion will only work if you have Yaesu radio.
FreeStar is different. This is an internet based system that is compatible with many of the existing systems.
One of the exciting features of FreeStar is being able to connect in so many ways. For example, you can simply use your analogue radio with the correct frequency (only one needed, no input and output) and CTCSS code, or join via Echolink on your computer or mobile phone. Watch these helpful YouTube presentations by Oscar 2E1HWE to help you learn how to use the system: