
badgeMembership entitles you to enjoy all the facilities of the club including access to TARGet Nite.

You are welcome to attend up to three Club Meetings as a visitor to get a flavour of the benefits of the club after which you are expected to obtain membership.

You will receive a welcome pack, membership card with lanyard, monthly newsletters and notice of events.

Paying Online: (Bussiness Account)
Name of Account: Thames Amateur Radio Group
Sort: 20-49-29.  Account: 63242560

Full Member

You must be 18 years of age, or older, or hold the permission of any competent authority to install and operate an amateur radio station. Under 18s with a valid Ofcom callsign can become a full member. £20 per year.

Student Member

Students must be under 21 years of age and be in full-time education. They have a discounted rate of £12.50 per year.

Junior Member

Junior Members are under 16 years of age and there is no charge

Membership Rules

  • Membership is at the discretion of the TARG Committee, and open to all persons who are interested in actively furthering the purpose of the Group.
  • The membership year ends on the 31st of March each year. Members must renew their membership within 28 days of year-end.
  • To be able to cast a vote at AGMs and EGMs, you must be a fully paid-up member for a period of at least six months, and be aged 18 or over.
  • Members under the age of 16 must obtain parental consent to join and to have their pictures used for promotional purposes
  • All members shall abide by the Constitution of the group, a current copy of which can be obtained on request from the Secretary.

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