Membership entitles you to enjoy all the facilities of the club including access to our online meetings.
You are welcome to attend up to three Club Meetings as a visitor to get a flavour of the benefits of the club after which you are expected to obtain membership.
Paying Online: (Bussiness Account)
Name of Account: Thames Amateur Radio Group
Sort: 20-49-29. Account: 63242560
The Consitution of the Club was revised in January 2025 and a full copy can be downloaded here:
How much does it cost? Membership is only £20 per year (discount for students)
What do you get?
- Weekly nets
- Physical access to our monthly club meetings
- Access to the online facility for our club meeting
- Monthly newsletter
- One-to-one guidance on practical radio operating
- Tuition in field operting and guidance on Ofcom exams
- Social aspects of the club